The step-by-step guide to doing stuff without overthinking.

A video format, with bonus lessons as always.

New post.

How to address inaction. Taking action on your goals.

Wanting to do stuff but getting caught up in your own head)

  1. What does it look like? 

    1. Worrying so much about your future that you don’t do anything.

    2. Worrying that you’re not doing things right, so you stop until you “learn the right way”.

    3. Believing that your life needs to be in a certain situation to warrant action.

    4. Fixating on an excuse and not questioning it.

    5. Saying yes to every opportunity to avoid productivity.

    6. Making excuses. Objectively, we come to see that we made them way more significant than they really were.

  2. What’s holding you back?

    1. Fear of failing.

    2. Fear of not doing something right.

    3. Fear of doing something non-optimally.

    4. Fear.

    5. Your environment isn’t encouraging to be productive even when you don’t feel like it.

    6. Thinking too much. 

    7. The mistaken thought that you need to know exactly where you’re going. Just need a general idea.

  3. So what must be done?

    1. Stop it.

    2. There is no right, there’s a million ways to do things.

    3. You won’t know it’s non-optimal until you do stuff, then it’s just a constant feedback loop and you CANNOT fail.

    4. Be brave is the opposite. Which just means face your fears. Which means action is the cure for your concerns.

    5. Leave old friends with values you don’t hold anymore, behind slowly. And engage with local groups or online communities that have some level of ambition.

    6. Use the Do Something Principle

    7. Get to know what your values are and what you want out of life. Download the 10 Q’s to Find Your Purpose.

  4. How do you do these things?

    1. You can’t fail if you do stuff, because you’ll be practising and improving upon SOMETHING.

    2. After completing the 10 Q’s, brainstorm 20 ways or more to move forward in the way you want to. Ask yourself, “hm. What can I do now?” And the first thing or couple of ways that leap out to you, stand up and start doing some shit. SOMETHING. You can come back to these in the future or brainstorm more in the future.

    3. Here’s what I did: I visualised my Desirable Outcomes from the 10 Q’s, and whenever the stuff that I was doing at the time began to feel weird or wrong when I visualised and was doing those things in the future, I reconsidered my WAYS of doing things.

    4. Take action on at least one thing in this video. I don’t give a fuck what it is.

    5. Begin to behave in ways that are aligned with the identity you decided you valued most, in the 10 Q’s. That’s an asset for attracting the right people. Look on or something for groups or events related to what you’re into nearby. Join… the Peaky Pines Email Community, my group. I could tell you another one, but I literally don’t know of any.

    6. Motivation follows action. Power of Associative Habits.

    7. Download the 10 Q’s to Find Your Purpose, fill them out and then continue on from step 1 (there’ll be a time stamp to go back to it.

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Creating the YouTube title:

Stop getting caught up in your head and take action.



  • The step-by-step guide to doing stuff and not overthinking.


How I tricked my brain to refuse all temptations.


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